Retail Operations –
The Gray Barn Farm Market
Providing fresh-picked, home-grown fruits, vegetable and flowers in a quaint road-side market. The vegetables are field-grown on our farmland in Rush, New York. Chase’s grows over 30 acres of sweet corn, picked several times daily to insure freshness. We also carry home-grown, freshly picked tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, apples, strawberries, blueberries etc. in season.
In the spring, The Gray Barn has a wide selection of bedding plants, both annuals and vegetables, grown in our over two acres of greenhouses. Hanging baskets and container gardens galore and a selection of perennials and ground covers, along with growing herbs, are available. In the fall, you’ll find gorgeous, full mums.
All our plants are available year around for walk-in retail sales at our Floral Shop and Greenhouse. Visit the Greenhouse for Poinsettias, Easter lilies and other seasonal plants, Christmas wreaths, tropical plants and flower arrangements.
Gray Barn Farm Market
1484 Rush Scottsville Road (rte. 251)
Rush, NY 14543
Gray Barn Hours:
Open May 1 to October 28 (tentative dates)
8-6 Monday through Saturday
8-5 Sunday